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  • Is it time for grad school?

Is it time for grad school?

WorkDaze investigates

Hi friends! Um, Target already has Halloween stuff? And I heard a harrowing rumor that some Costcos are putting up Christmas displays already? Can we all just enjoy these last few weeks of summer before the entire Midwest is decked out in North Faces and Uggs?

P.S. End of summer means back to school! And back to school means many educators spending their own paychecks (which should be much larger, but don’t get me started) on resources for their students. If you have a classroom wish list, drop your link here, and we’ll compile a spreadsheet to help spread the word. We love our teachers! 🫶


Is Grad School Worth It? WorkDaze Readers Weigh In

There comes a time in every millennial’s life when they find themselves thinking “should I just go to grad school?” In fact, I get that question from y’all so often, I’m writing a whole a*s newsletter about it today.

Maybe you’re fed up with your job. Maybe you’re tired of doing the same thing (gym, tan, laundry work, Netflix, Trader Joe’s frozen meal) every day. Maybe you miss the structure of academia. Or maybe you just really loved Elle Woods.

Whatever your reason, considering grad school is like deciding whether you’re going to sing Taylor’s part or Bon Iver’s part while playing “Exile” on full blast in your car—it requires some thoughtful deliberation.

So? We asked you, our faithful WorkDaze besties, what you think of going to grad school. Some of you loved it, some of you hated it, and some of you even went twice. But which of you will break it to my grandpa that law school is off the table for yours truly?

The WorkDaze Grad School Survey →

Maybe do it.

“Not only am I glad I did it, I'm glad I waited until 30 to do it! Eight years in the workforce helped me figure out what I wanted to pursue in grad school. It’s good for someone who wants to make a career transition into a different industry where they don't have a lot of experience and can't really get any without starting from the bottom or taking a big pay cut. It’s even better if it's a subject you're really passionate about.” —E.

“Grad school, for me, was the best! I met like-minded people and learned a ton and it was a program made for working people. I made connections, learned how to speak publicly and present myself, and got prepared for the rest of my career.” —C.

Maybe don’t do it.

“It did impress my current employer that I was continuing education, and it is aiding me in getting an additional license in my field later this year, but I don't think it was really required for either. Unless it's really required you'll get better experience in the workplace than in the classroom.” —L.

“I will never regret my education, but would I recommend it? Probably not. I found having a Master’s degree hasn’t helped me get further ahead in my career and has put me in much more debt.” —J.

Maybe maybe?

“I honestly don’t think a Masters degree has taught me a whole lot more in my field than I already knew, but it will get me a better paying job and that makes it worth it to me.” —F. 

“I went to grad school for a degree that now I don’t use at all. It was a great experience but maybe not the right choice for my future.” —S.

“I went twice. And I don’t think anyone should go to grad school unless there is a very clear path they’re on in their career they're looking for and/or if their company sponsors it. Never go into debt for grad school (and undergrad at this point).” —E.

Bottom line: If we learned one thing from your advice, it’s that you’re on your own path and only you know what’s best for you. My next tattoo is going to say “always do you.”

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Entering Your Productive Era

Template by Matt Piccolella

As a wise stranger on my TikTok FYP page once said: “Goals without actions are just dreams.” And while we don’t subscribe to all the hustle-y nonsense on the internet—this is one we can get behind.

We’ve all got goals and to actualize them requires more than just a Post-It note that’s been rotting on your desk since New Year’s Day 2011. Whether you want to:

  • Keep track of every Taylor Swift surprise song

  • Manage tasks for your side hustle

  • Plan your 2024 summer trip so you can be like everyone else on Instagram right now

…Notion is the tool for you. Their connected workspace allows you to take notes, manage tasks, and organize your life’s work all in one place. Get started here.

Things To Send Your Work Besties

…after you play fetch with your dog off-camera on a call.

Jillian Deaton writes about her career as an ASL interpreter which has landed her jobs for Paul McCartney, Hamilton, and most recently Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour!

I’m really into big bowl salads (BBSs, if you will) this summer and made a pretty delish (if I do say so myself) one the other day with peaches and prosciutto. If you need some inspo, check these recipes out from Food & Wine.

Some people at the party thrive exchanging photos of their dogs with strangers, others at the party thrive stuffing their face with taco dip. (🙋‍♂️) Bindu Bansinath from The Cut wrote about trying to master the art of flirting and banter, and these tips are holy grail level for anyone who’s got just a liiiitle social anxiety (also 🙋‍♂️).

That’s all for today, pals! Hope you have a little mid-week treat tonight. Two more sleeps ‘til Friday!




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