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It’s okay to take a dating break

Bringing the spark back at work

Hi friends! It’s finally fall, ya’ll! Is it too early to be thinking about our Halloween costumes? If you have any ideas for what we should be, reply and let us know puhlease! 

Today’s tunes: Why yes, we have been listening to Spotify Anniversaries LIVE: The 25th Anniversary of Christina Aguilera, and have “What A Girl Wants” featuring Sabrina Carpenter on repeat. You’re welcome.  

Have a Q for us? We have an A for you here!

It’s Okay To Take a Break From Dating

Lately, I’ve been feeling super defeated by dating apps. One minute, I’ll be excited about a person, and the next, I’ll never hear from them again. All of the excitement leading up to the let down is absolutely crushing me. Any advice on how to push through the dating scene without feeling burnt out? —S.

Gabi here! I’m not saying it’ll always be the case, but for the most part, dating should be fun! The second the vibe goes from being enjoyable to feeling like a chore you had to do in middle school (mine was collecting the garbage around the house, wbu?), consider taking a little break! Here’s why:

The energy you put into dating is the energy you’ll receive. If the thought of asking a stranger how many siblings they have and where they went to school makes you want to text your friend to fake an emergency, don’t force it! Not only is it Les Mis to be on a date when you don’t want to be, but it’s almost worse to be the date who knows you don’t want to be there. 

As a dating app user (I’m permanently banned from Tinder btw, find out why on today’s episode of Are You Mad At Me?), I recently took a four-month hiatus to focus on myself. And when I say this was the mental reset that I needed, I truly mean it. Taking a break from something so stress-inducing, frustrating, and defeating helped reshape my thoughts around dating and the apps in general, and I’m proud to say I’m back on them with a more positive and hopeful outlook… at least for now. 🫠

How To Bring the Spark Back at Work

I'm going through a lull at work where I'm lacking motivation and enjoyment for my job and I don't look forward to going to work. In general, it's a good job, and I have enjoyed it in the past. What would you recommend to bring some joy back into it? —A.

Listen, it’s okay to not always be crazy about your job! Heck, the fact that you’ve enjoyed it in the past is more than a lot of people can say about their place of employment! While going through lulls is normal, it doesn’t always feel good, and feeling unmotivated often makes us feel anxious and uneasy. Two things we recommend doing to get out of your funk?

Take a step back to figure out why you’re not having a good time. Maybe you’ve been working 12+ hour days (ew) on a project with a coworker you don’t get along with, or maybe it’s just the 2pm slump. Reframing your mind to realize this may be just a temporary situation may help you power through to the finish line. Burnout comes at us quick, so take that step back and look at small tasks you can complete now rather than the final outcome. 

Pinpoint a few things you’ve enjoyed at your job in the past. What are some things that made you like this job at one time or another? Be honest and talk to your manager to see if there’s any opportunity to lean into more of those tasks to help bring that spark back.

Need some advice? We wanna hear it here! 

…after you put on Hocus Pocus in the background during work.

It’s officially soup szn! And to kick things off, we’re coming in hot (literally) with HeresYourBite’s Lasagna Soup recipe on TikTok!

Instagram account ItsBritneyMeme absolutely nailed this pop culture horoscope round-up. Which one are you?

Name a better bridesmaid walk-out song/performance… we’ll wait. It’s the microphone headsets for us!

Thanks so much for chilling with us today! Hope the rest of the week is as sweet as the treats we’re about to go and buy for ourselves. See you next Wednesday!

—Rod and Gabi


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