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  • How honest should you be in your mid-year review?

How honest should you be in your mid-year review?

You’re a 10!

Hey friends! A bird pooped on me on my morning walk, and instead of getting annoyed that it ruined my shirt, I’m choosing to look on the bright side and take it as a sign of good luck.

Monday tunes: We’re taking it back with Beyoncé and Shakira’s “Beautiful Liar,” which is also what I am when it comes time for what we’re talking about today—mid-year reviews.


How Honest Should You Be In Your Mid-Year Review?

Honesty hour: “Am I getting a raise or am I getting fired?” are the only two things that cross my mind when mid-year review season rolls around. But as you know by now, one of the biggest disclaimers of being a WorkDaze bestie is do as I say, not as I do.

In that spirit, let’s talk about mid-year reviews (honestly). They’re a time for reflection on your own work and the work of others, including your manager and your company as a whole. But when it comes to those “rate your productivity on a scale of 10” kind of questions…are we being honest enough?

Here’s your guide to just how honest you should be (which is honest enough to effect change but not honest enough to submit your manager to What Not to Wear).

When reviewing yourself: The theme is “accurate representation of just how much you keep the lights on in this joint.”

  • Keep a running list of every accomplishment you’ve crushed in your position so far so you’re able to use that portfolio as leverage during your review. You’d be amazed at what important things you’ve done that could potentially land you a promotion or raise that you don’t even remember.

  • Many of us were taught as kids not to brag on ourselves, which is pretty sound advice in most settings. But in your mid-year review, you want to be vocal (in a chill way) about what you’re proud of in your work.

When reviewing your manager: If your manager’s work style is negatively affecting your performance, you owe it to yourself (and the promotion you just put in your five-year plan) to be honest and say something like:

I’ve been having trouble focusing on my assignments because of the last-minute projects I’ve been assigned. Can we figure out a solution together, so we both can do our work efficiently? 

Your boss may have no idea that you’re struggling, so offering honest and constructive feedback is best. Just leave out the part about how their “cheers” email signature and the way they chew gum drive you absolutely bonkers.

When reviewing your company: If you were too shy to speak up in the all-hands meeting to ask if your company can provide mental health days, this (a one on one where you don’t have to test those public speaking skills you fibbed about on your résumé) is your time to shine! This doesn’t have to be a company-bashing exercise, but if you present your points with information to back them up, your company just may listen.

Things to Slack your work besties

…after you give them straight 10s on their peer reviews.

As if I needed another reason to be scared! The company Furniture@Work conducted a study and found that WFH employees could look a lot different by 2100 if these “poor remote working habits” keep up. *Slowly gets off the couch and goes for a walk*

Me rn…

I’m not good at math but if I had to watch this painful millennial reminder, so do you.😅

Rose Byrne and Seth Rogan play old best friends who reunite during their midlife crises in the Apple TV feel-good show Platonic. I LOL’d, and not the LOL that’s just, like, breathing a little harder. Like a real laugh out loud.

That’s it for today! Thanks so much for reading! Wishing you a speedy week into the long holiday weekend.




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