You asked, we answered


Hi friends! Did you know that 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Gmail’s existence? To celebrate, I will not be “circling back” with anyone for the rest of the day.

Today’s tunes: In sticking with the nostalgic theme, I was also playing Jesse McCartney’s “Beautiful Soul” on repeat on my iPod Nano two decades ago.


It’s Okay Not To Have It All Figured Out

I'm stuck in a "find a career and stay with it forever" mentality. I know that's not the norm anymore, but it's a hard mindset to break out of when it feels like the only thing that provides a sense of "security" and structure in life is my job. How do you figure out what you're supposed to do in life?—S.

I've been asking the same question for a while now, so if you find out the answer, please let me know, lol.

The number one thing to remember here is: your career doesn’t have to be your life. Your job can serve the purpose of providing for your lifestyle, but you don’t have to be obsessed with it or stay in the same position or field forever. As of 2020, the average American spent 4.1 years in their role…that leaves a lot of time to try other things!

But if you are longing for a job that provides fulfillment in more ways than just paying the bills, here are a few things to consider:

  1. Find out what you’re passionate about. Nail down the job you want that can realistically provide for your lifestyle. Maybe that looks a little different than your actual “dream job,” but it encompasses the elements that will satisfy what you’re looking for.  

  2. Dip your toes in. Before jumping off the deep end and quitting your current gig, try doing whatever you enjoy on the side for a bit. That way, you’ll 1) see if you’d enjoy doing it long-term and 2) already have experience if you decide it’s the move you want to make.

Another important thing to note? If you decide to take the leap, be prepared for it to be a lot of work! Just don’t let that discourage you if it’s something you’re truly passionate about.

Quitting Your Toxic Job Without Another Gig Lined Up

I am at my wit’s end with my job and unsure how much more I can take. Can you please give some advice about leaving your job without another one lined up?—C.

Our #1 rule here at WorkDaze? No job is worth your well-being and mental health. But to get into the nitty-gritty of it all, I'm going to hand this over to my coworker Gabi.

Gabi: I left a job without another one lined up because my mental health was severely declining. I was depressed, anxious, and lacked the joy I once had before this horrific job.

A few things I did before deciding to hand in a letter of resignation?

Assess the climate: Is the job affecting your life outside of office hours? Have you asked your superiors for help? Is the workplace toxic in general? If you’ve exhausted all options or are just mentally exhausted from the toxicity, I think you have your answer. 

Plan monetarily: I didn’t have the funds to quit on the spot and feel financially secure while looking for my next job. So, the second my gut told me I was miserable (always listen to your gut!!), I began saving some money to GTFO. Whether that’s 1) resisting the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale or 2) picking up a side hustle, having some financial security through the transition will eliminate a lot of stress.

Establish what you want in a job: What about this role will you not stand for in your next? Find out what you're looking (and not looking) for so you don’t fall into the same situation. Grab screenshots to remind yourself of the toxic behavior when you’re second-guessing your decision.

Put yourself out there: Update your resume, and be ready to network. As awkward as networking can be, it’s often who you know that leads to opportunities. 

Remember, your mental health matters more than your boss asking you to hit those KPIs this quarter, k?

Setting Boundaries When You’re Bad at It


I don’t work in corporate (thank goodness) but I’ve always had a hard time setting boundaries with my higher-ups, including answering calls and emails past working hours. What should I do?!! —S.


Regardless of the industry, you should familiarize yourself with your job’s official description to know exactly what you were hired to do. This gives you a solid foundation to do the Anne Hathaway and say “Calma” to your boss when they ask you to do something outside of scope.

In the example of a boss constantly contacting you outside of your designated hours, try saying something like this:

“I noticed I’m being contacted outside of my agreed-upon working hours. To protect my work/life balance, I’d prefer to stick to the hours in my job description. However, I’m happy to discuss time off later in the week or additional pay to accommodate this need.” 

Note for managers: Setting and sticking to your boundaries is an important part of being a good example for your employees to do the same. 

Nothing burns you out faster than people taking advantage of you because you lack boundaries and expectations. 

Got a Q for me to A? Submit yours here.

Things To Send Your Work Besties

while you watch the latest Vanderpump Rules off-camera during a meeting.

The results from last week’s poll, “Do you think Travis Kelce's Super Bowl speech was an ick to Taylor Swift?” are in, and 63.62% of you said, “Yes. Ew, Travis!”

Yes. Ew, Travis!
“You can be in love and still get an ick. I’ve been with my partner for almost five years, and every once in a while, I get an ick from him. It happens to the best of us!” —S. 

“Cringe City.” —L.

No, She’s in love!
“I found it endearing, sue me!!!” —K. 

“He wasn't offensive, rude, cruel, or mean in his celebration, just a little over-the-top! She knows who she's in a relationship with and how hard he's worked to get there. She's all for a good time, and he was having a good time. So, let 'em be.” —R.

Vanderpump vs. reality. Check out how the new Vanderpump Rules Season 11 intro was filmed all on a drone! 

Natasha Bedingfield singing “Unwritten” with some of her fans while leaving the People’s Choice Awards is the energy we all need!!

As a nod to Bill Post, the inventor of Pop-Tarts who passed away last week, I present to you…. DIY s’mores Pop Tarts

Okay, friends, that’s all for today! I hope your week goes by in a jiffy. See you next week!  Same place, same time. 



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