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True life: Americans want more 💸

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Hi friends. The fact that next week is a short one is the only thing keeping me from throwing my computer out of the window. 🙃 But let’s finish the week strong, shall we? Two sleeps ‘til Friday.

Today’s tunes: Flashback to me singing every word to “Just Got Paid” in 2000, like my 10-year-old self was working a grueling 9-5??

P.S. We’re always looking for cool brands to partner with. If you’re a brand interested in getting in front of the smartest, funniest people on the internet (AKA the WorkDaze audience), let us know here.


The Rise of America’s Wage Floor

As the prices at the Whole Foods hot bar have reminded us time and time again, livin’ ain’t cheap. Workin’ shouldn’t be either, at least as far as Americans are concerned.

A recent report from the Federal Reserve showed the wage floor (aka the minimum amount Americans are willing to accept to start a new job) is $78,645, up about $6K from last year. FYI:

  • The average wage floor for those with college degrees is currently $98,600. It’s $63,300 for those without a degree.

  • Good news: Women’s pay expectations rose 11% from last year. Bad news: They still expect about $25,000 less than men do. 👎

One cause for the increase in the wage floor? A hot job market. A lot of companies are hiring, putting candidates in the driver’s seat for negotiations. That also means more competition for strong job candidates, which pressures companies to offer higher wages and better perks in order to hire and retain employees.

So does this mean you should look for a new job? TBH, it depends. While the job market is hot now, the recent decline in both job postings and starting salaries could suggest that things are starting to cool off. But we’re not saying you should never take a peek at LinkedIn on company time…just do it wisely.

Have you ever found yourself…

  • Choosing an anthology film so you can turn it off after the first segment?

  • Researching grass seed fit for your grow zone (ours is Zone 10) for 2 hours or more?

  • Pausing an intimate encounter because the new Wordle just dropped?

Then you may be entitled to financial compensation—just kidding. But, you’re definitely entitled to put your years of wisdom to good use.

It’s time to embrace it: You’re Getting Old—both the game (yes, that’s the name) and the existential truth. The game rewards elder Millennials for the knowledge we’ve accrued. The truth sets us free.

Ready to school the younger set of digital natives in your life with the ultimate card game for Y2K teens? Get yours here.

Should I Take a Job For Less Money?

I don’t love my job, but it’s also not terrible or toxic either. I was recently offered a similar position at a different company but the salary is less than the minimum I said I was willing to accept. Should I take it? —G.

Taking a job with less pay is definitely a decision you want to use your noggin to make. Some questions to consider when weighing the pros and cons:

  • Is your current job affecting your mental or physical health? No job is worth that, but being happier and healthier is worth it. Period.

  • Can you afford to take a pay cut? If you’re going to take a role with less pay, you may need to adjust your lifestyle or set new expectations re: spending for the now and saving for the future.

  • How long have you been job searching? Finding the right role can take a while. If you haven’t been at it for long, consider taking some more time to try and find something that you’re excited about and that pays well.

Good luck out there! I’m confident you’ll make the decision that’s best for you, you got this!

Got a Q for me to A? Submit yours here.

Things To Send Your Work Besties

...after you plan an after-work picnic at the park together.

I feel like I could run a marathon every time my boss tells me I’m doing a good job so, clearly, my love language is words of affirmation. But what about my workplace language? Forbes says millennials want autonomy, mastery, and purpose when it comes to a job. Do you agree? Reply and let me know.

Zoo Pals plates are back! Hefty discontinued the animal-shaped plates 10 years ago but they are BACK, and I will most definitely be dipping my chicken nuggies in a tiger’s ranch-filled ear this weekend.

Penn Badgley’s podcast Podcrushed covers memories made, lessons learned, and all the awkward things that come with growing up in middle school. I recommend the Julia Louis-Dreyfus episode, obvi.

That’s it for today, pals! Have the best rest of the week ever. See you back here next Wednesday after the 🚨 long weekend 🚨!




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