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  • 3 reasons why you should take that vacation

3 reasons why you should take that vacation

It's called paid time off for a reason...

Hi friends! Summer came in HOT last week, and we’ve been sweaty ever since. 🔥 Speaking of the season, there’s no better time to enjoy it and take those PTO days!! Something we’re chatting allll about today…

Today’s tunes: Calvin Harris’ song “Summer” will never not slap. 

Have a question for us? We’d love to answer it in an upcoming issue. Ask away here!

Why You Need To Take Your PTO Days

“We only get 75 to 80 summers in our lifetime. If you have no plans to take summer holidays, this is your sign to do so.” Avery Brookes Francis on TikTok said it best. We all deserve a little break from work, so why the heck aren’t we taking them? (P.S. The 4th of July is next week 😏)

A Harris Poll found that 78% of workers don’t take the maximum number of vacation days they have. In fact, the average worker took only 15 days off last year, although more than half of those workers were granted more days than that. To make matters worse, Forbes Advisor says those with unlimited PTO only take an average of 10 days off a year! Are we all just scared that our bosses are going to be mad at us, or what??

Another not-so-fun fact: A study by the Movchan Agency found that 54% of people who take PTO still work while on vacation, and 47% admit they feel guilty for taking time off. Some other reasons why we’re taking Teams calls from cruise ships?

  • 34% admit they love their job so much they don’t mind working on vacation

  • 26% say their boss demands them to work on their paid time off (??)

  • 29% have a fear of losing their job if they aren’t working on vacay

Aside from the part where we get paid to spend time not working, taking a vacation positively affects our physical and mental well-being. Let’s chat about some things a long weekend on the water with friends can help with. On the count of three, everybody say, “Lake life!”

Mental Health. Burnout from work can clutter and take up too much space in your brain, leading to forgetfulness, depression, trouble focusing, and even the inability to problem-solve. Resetting with a vacation will help rest and recharge, which can help relax and declutter your mind.

Physical health. The pressures of work can contribute to higher levels of stress hormones, which can lead to a suppressed immune system. Taking some R&R on a beach somewhere can be a great reset for your immune system, making you less likely to get sick. 

Work performance. Being constantly plugged into work can damage our ability to think outside the box and be creative. The small global aviation firm SimpliFlying performed an experiment in which they enforced a PTO policy for their employees and found improvement across the board. The results showed that employee creativity went up 33%, happiness levels rose to 25%, and productivity increased 13%.

So the next time you start feeling bad for taking a few days off to focus on whatever the heck makes you happy, we highly suggest channeling your inner Snooki, and instead of asking, “Where’s the brief?” try: 

A note for the managers: Here are three ways you can support your employees in taking PTO.

  1. Lead by example. If your employees see you taking PTO regularly and not as a rare occurrence, they’ll feel more comfortable asking for it, too. 

  2. Encourage your team. Talking openly about taking PTO, whether it's for a vacation or a little mental health reset, makes the topic less taboo for your employees to bring up and ask for time off.

  3. Show support. Create a plan and assure your employees that you’ve got their back while they’re out. The more supported they feel, the less likely they are to fire off emails after five margaritas in Mexico. 

Got a Q for us to A? Submit yours here.

Things To Send in the Group Chat

…after you eat a sleeve of Oreos for breakfast.

Hang it in the Louvre! Absolutely obsessing over this pic that Walt Disney Studios posted of Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis reuniting for the sequel to Freaky Friday.

There’s still time to buy tickets to The Return of Top 8! Meet us on the dancefloor on July 20th at Thalia Hall in Chicago for an epic evening of nostalgia and bangers from the 00s. Annnnd, an early start at 4pm means you can still be in bed by 9pm…

I think this weekend calls for some poolside Creamsicle Margarita Mocktails from FuelWithRae’s Instagram recipe. Just don’t forget your SPF! 

Thanks so much for hanging with us today. Hydrate and stay cool in this heat! We’ll catch ya back here next week. :)

—Rod & Gabi


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