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  • What to do when you fall for your situationship

What to do when you fall for your situationship

Oops, I messed up at work

Hi guys! Hope everyone is doing okay this week. Seventeen years ago, Flo Rida and T-Pain blessed us with “Low,” and high school dances were never the same again. 

Song of the day: Baggy sweatpants and the Reeboks with the straps” is quite literally our WFH uniform. Same same, but different than the boots with the fur and a denim mini back in the day… although we hear those are back??

Have a Q for us? We have an A for you here!

What to Do When You Fall For Your Situationship

Oops, I accidentally caught feelings for my situationship! How do I get rid of them now?! —L.

Ah, just in time for cuffing season! For everyone not familiar with what a situationship is (lucky you!), it can be defined as “a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established."

First and foremost, it’s healthy to feel those feelings, so this is your permission to do just that! Most of us can’t turn off how we feel (would love to though!), so as scary as it may be, the best course of action is to:

Be upfront.  If you genuinely have a connection with your situationship and are interested in seeing where things go, be open with them! We’ve seen a lot of situationships turn into loving relationships if communication and mutual interest are there! 

But just remember… sharing your feelings can make or break whatever you two have going on here. Go into the conversation knowing they may not feel the same, and prepare to not get the answer you want, which could ultimately lead to a change in your so-called “situation.” 

What To Do When You Mess Up at Work

I completely missed the mark on a project my boss was counting on me to lead. It was a misunderstanding on my end of what exactly was needed, but definitely my fault for not asking more questions and checking in before it was due. I feel awful and embarrassed about him having to pick up my slack. What’s the best way to apologize and move on without dwelling on it? —G.

Look, things happen, and unfortunately, this probably won’t be the last time either. That's why we say it’s best to do one thing right away during these kinds of situations.

Ask when you don’t know the answer. Our motto has always been to ask a bajillion questions upfront rather than to wait until the 11th hour when you have no idea what’s going on. If you have any doubts or confusion, this is your time to speak up so everyone is on the same page about the final deliverable.

As for apologizing to your boss? We’re totally on Winston’s side and are all about owning up to our mistakes (no matter how silly and embarrassed we feel!).

If you want to make it right with your boss, say something along the lines of: 

“I apologize for missing the mark on this and creating more work for you. I misunderstood what was needed as the deliverable, and take full responsibility for not checking in to make sure I was on the right track. I’d love to find some time to walk through my missteps to learn, so that this doesn’t happen again.” 

This shows you 1) care about your work and 2) want to learn to prevent things like this from happening again.

At the end of the day, accept that you made a mistake and move on. If you’re anything like us, you may want to keep asking your boss if they’re mad at you 🫠, but resist the urge and keep pushing forward!

Manager’s Note: As frustrating as it can be sometimes, part of your job as a manager is to help lead and teach others. Be understanding and know that everyone messes up sometimes (including you!), and the odds are, your employee is already beating themself up about it more than what it’s actually worth.

Need some advice? We wanna hear it here! 

…while eating an entire bag of Goldfish for lunch.

Who says s’mores have to be sweet?! I (Rod) hate the sticky mess s’mores make, so this savory recipe that Ang Geronimo shared on Instagram gave me hope for my next b-fire.

IRL experience vs. degree? One woman with a PhD and over 250k in debt thinks her lack of real-world job experience despite her credentials has gotten in the way of finding a job. 

“SHUT UP!” We had the same reaction when the Princess of Genovia herself, Anne Hathaway, announced that Princess Diaries 3 is officially in the works!

Thanks so much for reading WorkDaze this week! We’re so grateful for all of our readers (and hopefully now listeners of Are You Mad At Me?) We’d be nothing without you, and we love you for it!

—Rod and Gabi


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