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Is a “lazy girl job” right for you?

V on brand

Hi pals! If you happened to miss it, the WorkDaze crew is switching things up with one newsletter a week coming to an inbox near you every Wednesday. Different sched, same fun vibes!

Today’s jams: “Today I don’t feel like doing anything, I just want to lay in my bed.” Are these 1) lyrics to a Bruno Mars song or 2) me this morning?


What Exactly Is a Lazy Girl Job?

If you’re on any form of social media, chances are you’ve seen the “lazy girl job” trend (and if you’re like me, subsequently second guessed your entire career).

But what exactly is a “lazy girl job” (LGJ from now on because I’m an LBT ((lazy boy typer)))? Content creator Gabrielle Judge, who claims to have made up the term, says an LGJ pays a decent salary, is flexible, isn’t demanding, and allows you to have a life outside of work.

"I really want people to understand our time is so valuable and should be focused on efforts that are most aligned with their individual priorities, not a company,” Judge told Insider.

While job responsibilities vary from company to company and role to role, some fields of work self-proclaimed lazy girls find themselves in: marketing, account management, customer success, etc.

One big thing: The whole idea of an LGJ revolves around removing your self-worth from your LinkedIn bio (you know how big I am on that). The L in LGJ isn’t code for easy. “There’s nothing lazy about expecting a job that pays you well, gives you good work-life balance and doesn’t overwork you,” Gabrielle said. “And no one in a ‘lazy girl job’ is actually lazy.”

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The Time Is Now, Everyone.

In the fall you said you’d leave your toxic job. In the winter you said you’d wait it out until spring. In the spring you said you’d mute Christina on Slack.

Now it’s summer, nothing has changed, and Christina is still Slacking you “just following up on this” five minutes after sharing the meeting agenda. It’s time to make a move—and we know how. Check out the WorkDaze’s Declassified Job Search Survival Guide.

Is a Lazy Girl Job Right For You?

I’ve made it to the “lazy girl job” side of TikTok, and it’s making me reconsider my career and life outside of work. I don’t need to make a bajillion dollars, I just want a job that lets me live comfortably and isn’t so demanding like my current role. But I’m a little nervous that if I take a “lazy girl job,” I may regret it. Do you think I should go for it?—G.

Sounds like you may be a good candidate for a LGJ, but before running to LinkedIn to search “jobs that are low key easier than the one I’m in now,” let’s talk about some pros and cons of the LGJ.


  • Flexibility. Imagine being able to make that 2:30pm yoga flow class with your favorite instructor because you can work when it’s convenient for you.

  • Stress levels. An LGJ won’t have you waking up in a cold sweat at 3am wondering if you took too long to send that email to your boss. Most LGJs are slower-paced and don’t require a lot of tight deadlines or complicated tasks.


  • Lower salary. While LGJs can earn you between $60k and $80k annually, lower your expectations on upward mobility if you fill your days with a few emails and a lot of Friends reruns. Plus? By repeating the same tasks without learning other skills, you may be limiting your future opportunities if career growth is a post-LGJ goal for you.

  • Stability (or instability). If layoffs hit your company, the LGJs could be the first to be cut.

At the end of the day, there isn’t a right or wrong answer here. You just have to do what’s best for you! Some value bigger paychecks, hard work, and discipline, while others prefer to shut their laptop at 1:45pm on a Wednesday and go to the beach. It’s me, I’m “others.”

Things To Send Your Work Besties

…after you Google “lazy girl job opportunities.”

In the third quarter, 75% of Starbucks’ U.S. sales were cold drinks with the majority purchased by…you guessed it! Millennials and Gen Z. *Slowly puts down my iced coffee*

You can only choose one. Email me and let me know!

TBT to me always racing home from school to find my Tamagotchi on its last leg. Adding that to the list of things to talk about with my therapist.

I’ve had Post Malone’s new album Austin on repeat since it came out and it’s really just *chef’s kiss*.

Thanks so much for reading. You’re already halfway through the week, you can do it! See you back here next Wednesday.




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